Canvas Fingerprinting Demo

Combined Hash:
Warning: Canvas randomization is detectable! You are likely flagging WAFs.

Pixel Integrity Check

i Compares pixel data between two canvases to detect modifications in color channels to find potential canvas fingerprinting countermeasures.


Text Rendering

i Renders text using different fonts and measures text metrics to find differences in font rendering across systems.


Font Metrics:

Shape Rendering (Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, and Arc)

i Draws various shapes using canvas methods, testing how different systems render basic geometric forms.



i Applies shadow effects to a rectangle to test how different systems process and render shadow blur and color.


Text Shadow

i Applies a shadow effect to text to find differences in text shadow processing across systems.



i Creates a linear gradient and fills the canvas, testing how different systems interpolate colors in gradients.


Composite Operations

i Uses the 'multiply' composite operation to blend shapes, testing for differences in how systems process complex rendering operations.


Combined Fingerprint

i Combines all previous tests into a single canvas to create a hash representing the system's rendering characteristics.