webGl:renderer |
Spoofs the name of the unmasked WebGL renderer. |
"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980, or similar" |
webGl:vendor |
Spoofs the name of the unmasked WebGL vendor. |
"NVIDIA Corporation" |
webGl:supportedExtensions |
An array of supported WebGL extensions (full list). |
["ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "EXT_color_buffer_float", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query", ...] |
webGl2:supportedExtensions |
The same as webGl:supportedExtensions , but for WebGL2. |
["ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "EXT_color_buffer_float", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query", ...] |
webGl:contextAttributes |
A dictionary of WebGL context attributes. |
{"alpha": true, "antialias": true, "depth": true, ...} |
webGl2:contextAttributes |
The same as webGl:contextAttributes , but for WebGL2. |
{"alpha": true, "antialias": true, "depth": true, ...} |
webGl:parameters |
A dictionary of WebGL parameters. Keys must be GL enums, and values are the values to spoof them as. |
{"2849": 1, "2884": false, "2928": [0, 1], ...} |
webGl2:parameters |
The same as webGl:parameters , but for WebGL2. |
{"2849": 1, "2884": false, "2928": [0, 1], ...} |
webGl:parameters:blockIfNotDefined |
If set to true , only the parameters in webGl:parameters will be allowed. Can be dangerous if not used correctly. |
true /false |
webGl2:parameters:blockIfNotDefined |
If set to true , only the parameters in webGl2:parameters will be allowed. Can be dangerous if not used correctly. |
true /false |
webGl:shaderPrecisionFormats |
A dictionary of WebGL shader precision formats. Keys are formatted as "<shaderType>,<precisionType>" . |
{"35633,36336": {"rangeMin": 127, "rangeMax": 127, "precision": 23}, ...} |
webGl2:shaderPrecisionFormats |
The same as webGL:shaderPrecisionFormats , but for WebGL2. |
{"35633,36336": {"rangeMin": 127, "rangeMax": 127, "precision": 23}, ...} |
webGl:shaderPrecisionFormats:blockIfNotDefined |
If set to true , only the shader percisions in webGl:shaderPrecisionFormats will be allowed. |
true /false |
webGl2:shaderPrecisionFormats:blockIfNotDefined |
If set to true , only the shader percisions in webGl2:shaderPrecisionFormats will be allowed. |
true /false |