# Geolocation & Intl

# Properties

Property Type Description Required Keys
geolocation:latitude double Latitude to use. geolocation:longitude
geolocation:longitude double Longitude to use. geolocation:latitude
geolocation:accuracy double Accuracy in meters. This will be calculated automatically using the decminal percision of geolocation:latitude & geolocation:longitude if not set.
timezone str Set a custom TZ timezone (e.g. "America/Chicago"). This will also change Date() to return the local time.
locale:language str Spoof the Intl API and system language (e.g. "en") locale:region
locale:region str Spoof the Intl API and system region (e.g. "US"). locale:language
locale:script str Set a custom script (e.g. "Latn"). Will be set automatically if not specified.
locale:all str List of all accepted locale values (separated by comma). The first item should match the Intl API. If not passed, it will default to the locale used in the Intl API in the format "en-US, en".

The Required Keys are keys that must also be set for the property to work.